Friday, January 01, 2010

Where to Buy What in Kawasaki

We are always looking for deals and best buys without compromise in quality all the time. Around the place I live in Kawasaki - there are a lot of good places to buy things. I am trying to consolidate the list for the benefit of the few whom it might help. Do comment/contact me in case you think there are better places or more places to add.

  1. Jackets and General Clothing - Numaya


  2. Discount General Store [Food, Veg] - OK Discount Store - It works on a discount card system. One time discount card purchase gives you 5% cash discount on every purchase.

  3. Baby/Kids Stuff - Akachan Honpo, Lazona Kawasaki

  4. Baby/Kids General Clothing (More economical than Akachan Honpo) - Paseos
